Persuasion Strategies






icon rapportRapport seems to be the hottest topic out there when it comes to influence and persuasion experts. NLP courses are taught all over the world that spend a significant amount of time on this subject. Everyone seems to agree that there is something mystical maybe even magical about the phenomenon of rapport. Read more...

Pound that Abalone


iconabaloneDo you know how to prepare an abalone?  If not read on, you may even discover that this lesson can increase your sales.  Spoiler alert:  It might be a metaphor for something else.  Just sayin!


Selling or Influence?


iconlogoonlyThere is a significant difference between selling and influence. Since many people have difficulty separating the differences, it is imperative that we start here. This difference is best illustrated at our live training events.



The "Detached Statement" Technique

The "Detached Statement" technique

Persuading others through Professional Influence is really, about displacing resistance. This inherent resistance serves us all. It is a natural protection mechanism, after all where would any of us be without some skepticism?


The Principle of "Shared Pain"

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Persuasion Strategies


Rapport Rapport
        Rapport seems to be the hottest topic out there when it comes to influence and persuasion experts. NLP courses are taught all over the world that spend a significant amount of time on this...

Selling or Influence?

Selling or Influence? Selling or Influence?
  There is a significant difference between selling and influence. Since many people have difficulty separating the differences, it is imperative that we start here. This difference is best illustrated...

The "Detached Statement" Technique

The "Detached Statement" Technique
The "Detached Statement" technique Persuading others through Professional Influence is really, about displacing resistance. This inherent resistance serves us all. It is a natural protection mechanism,...

The Power of Talking Products

The Power of Talking Products The Power of Talking Products
“This is the Intro Text" And another line of intersesting info on this article...


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