Reframe Your Objections Away!

iconreframeIn NLP, we teach a very advanced form of reframing. We break it down into the three different types of reframes and even go over six steps for a successful reframe. For the purposes of this article and students who are more interested in simple persuasion, we will simplify reframing.  The simple and easy way to reframe, is to


Never hear; "It sounds too good to be true"

iconbowandarrowtriplebullseyeIt would be impossible to cover all the objections our readers get.  With that in mind, we are going over one of the most common objections you will ever hear.  Read this weeks feature article and never, ever have to hear "It sounds too good to be true."


The 5 step objection model



Ever wonder about the best way to overcome objections?  This weeks article will show you how to bust through the resistance of your prospect by using a simple 5 step approach.  


Process Objections

How do I handle objections? This is one of the top three questions that we get from subscribers to our FREE newsletter. In this chapter you will discover that objections are actually the gateway to persuasion.

In the past there has been a lot written about how to overcome objections. In this article you will discover techniques not found anywhere else.


I Love Your Competitor

What happens when the prospect 



When a company brings the Professional Influence team in to assist, we have the advantage of working directly with their Sales Management group. This enables us to hear the most common objections they encounter. By working directly with Management we are able to help them use the preceding model to overcome the concerns of their clientele. It would be impossible to know every objection of every reader. So we have compiled some common objections and the best ways to handle them 

The following is an email from one of our subscribers:

I sometimes have difficulty selling clients that are happy with my competitor. How do you suggest your readers deal with people that are in love with the competition.

Ty - Charleston, SC

As professional persuaders, we often hear this objection. People will say that they are extremely happy with their current provider. How many times do persuaders hear things like:

"My cousin does my investments."


"I don't need a BMW; after all, I drive a Mercedes!"


"I don't want a timeshare with your company, I already own with brand X and they are the best!"


"I don't need your help with my Mortgage. My Broker has been helping me for over 10 years now and I always use him."


We all basically have three choices. Of course, we only recommend one of them.

1. Talk disparagingly of your competitor.

2. Show collateral materials that demonstrate superiority over your competitor.

3. Use the "Favorite thing" pattern.

Lets go through them

1.  Talk disparagingly of your competitor?

Obviously this communicates to your client that you are unprofessional. There is no room for this type of behavior when it comes to being a professional persuader. It is tacky and clearly unprofessional.

2.  Show collateral materials that demonstrate your superiority over your competitor.

This is the choice of many professionals today. While there might be a need occasionally for this type of support documentation, we really try to only use these items as a last resort. The main reason for the avoidance of this technique is because of the fact that it communicates, at least unconsciously, that you have run into this issue before. It helps support them in their concerns about leaving their current dealings with your competitor. After all, if you have all those materials, you must have had other tell you that they do not want to leave the company they are with. A bad message to say the least.

That is why we strongly endorse using the

"Favorite thing" pattern.

It works like this:

Once they prospect makes it clear that they are very happy with their current product or service you simply do this;

Professional Influencer: "That is great. It sounds like you are really happy with them."

Client: "Yes I am."

Professional Influencer: "You know, I always want to learn more about my industry. Could you help me a little bit with something?"

Client: "Sure, what is it?"

Professional Influencer: "Could you please tell me the three greatest things about the product (or service) that you are currently using? What are your three favorite things about XYZ Inc."

Client: "Well sure. I like............."

Professional Influencer: "Great what else?"

Client: "Well, I also like............."

Professional Influencer: "Those are great benefits. Ok, that's two. How about one more?"

Client: "Oh that's easy, I also love the way that they................"

Now here is where it gets interesting.

Professional Influencer: "Thank you so much for helping me with that. Now, what are the top three things you would change about them if you could?"

Client: "What do you mean?"

Professional Influencer: "Well nobody is perfect, I am sure that if you could wave a magic wand and change something about their service, you would have a few things that you would want to change. What would the top three be?"

Client: "Well, I guess I don't like the fact that............"


This technique gives you a great opening to find out what it is that they DO NOT like about their current company. Make sure they give you three answers to that question.

Some may ask why we waste time asking their three favorite things, "why don't we get right to what they do not like?" The truth of the matter is that your client will not tell you what they do not like about their current service if you go straight to what they do NOT like. In fact they will tell you that they are completely satisfied. By priming them with what they like first, they are going to be immeasurably more receptive to telling you what they do not like.

We have taught this for years within the Professional Influence system. You may already have begun to realize that a significant percentage of your clients are very happy with a competitor, the ability to capture this business is significant.


Client:  "I really don't need to hear about your timeshare. We already have two and we love them both. They are with Brand X and we think that they are perfect!

Professional Influencer:  "That is great to hear that you found something you are so happy with. I am always trying to learn more about my industry and the other companies out there. Could you help me with something?"

Client:  "Sure."

Professional Influencer:  "What are the three things about brand X that you like the most?"

Client: "Oh, I like the fact that they have resorts all over the place. That gives us a big selection. Secondly, I would have to say that they are always nice on the phone and help us make our reservations. Third....Hmm. I guess that would be the fact that they were very reasonably priced."

Professional Influencer:  "Thanks, that really helps me. Now let me ask this. Clearly there are some things you would change. In a perfect world, what would be the top three things you would change about your ownership with Brand X?"

Client: "Hmm. Well, I really love Brand X. I think they are great."

Professional Influencer: "I understand, they sound fantastic. Obviously though, nobody is perfect. If you could wave a magic wand and change anything what would it be?"

Client: "Well, I have to say that we went to the resort at lake skinner and it was kind of run down."

Professional Influencer::  "Really, are you sure? Run down?"

Client:  "Well yes, I am sure. It looked as though it hadn't even been cleaned."

Professional Influencer: "That's surprising. That probably never happened before though?"

Client:  "Well actually that's not the only resort that we had problems with. Once we went to the Arizona resort and it was worse."


As you can see we are only on our first one and the conversation is clearly going our way.

KEY POINT: Once they tell you something bad about their product, CHALLENGE THEM!

"Really? Are you sure?" They will then be compelled to go on and prove to you that their current provider was NOT perfect in that area. Now that is Professional Influence!


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